Net-Works by Jasmyn Connell


A collection of brain-dumps from throughout my PhD Research. I am practicing daily writing and posting it here to hold myself accountable. In this collection of blog posts you will find discussions about my research and personal reflections. These posts are meant to be raw and unpolished.

Stream of Consciousness

Beyond Human: Conversations with ChatGPT about the Nonhuman

In this podcast, I explore the world beyond our human-centric perspective as it relates to non-human online persona. Join myself and ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, as we dive into discussions about the nonhuman: animals, plants, machines, and anything else that exists beyond the realm of human experience.

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Stream of Consciousness

Podcast: The Future of AI

Listen to the podcast above. As a PhD researcher, my focus is on providing a comprehensive definition of non-human online personas in various forms, such

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Stream of Consciousness

Are Pet Influencers the New Celebrities?

Pet influencers have become so popular that markets have opened around them, and pet influencer agencies exist. These influencers generate income on Instagram through brand promotions and sponsorships, indicating that they engage in similar micro-celebrity persona formation techniques as their human counterparts.

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Stream of Consciousness

So, what are you doing your PhD on?

When I tell people I am doing my PhD, this question naturally follows: “what are you doing your PhD on?”.

Every time I hear the question, I try to assemble my thoughts and come up with the perfect elevator pitch. I usually say, “I’m looking at non-human persona”. And this is generally met with a puzzled look and a second dreaded question: “what’s a persona?”.

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Stream of Consciousness

Navigating the new world of Generative AI

It’s easy to feel unproductive when your work, writing and research is not in ‘real’ motion. But, moments of stillness and reflection are equally important. Some of my best revelations come when I close the laptop, put the books down and sit with the ideas, theories, and possibilities that live inside my mind.

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Jasmyn Connell

PhD Candidate at the University of Wollongong

Academic Tutor at the University of Wollongong

Graphic Designer, Web Designer & Developer, Brand Designer

Avid Gamer and Virtual Photographer

Find me online:
