Net-Works by Jasmyn Connell

Sourdough in 2030: Navigating its Possible, Probable, and Preferable Futures

This blog post ventures into the future of sourdough, a journey that began with my first encounter with a simple blob of fermented flour and water. From my first flat and gummy loaf to the hours I now spend imagining new sourdough creations, my baking ventures are some of my most treasured moments. Beyond sheer […]

Media Archaeology of Elden Ring: Unearthing the Subjectivity of ‘Bad’ Games

Elden Ring, game of the year for 2022, was a video game that I, subjectively, found unpalatable. But, does this make it a bad game? Media archaeology is an emerging field of study focusing on the historical examination and preservation of video games and their related artifacts. With components like software and hardware preservation, documentation, […]

Queering Aloy: The Power of Fan Cultures in Shaping Video Game Heroism

Video games have long been a reflection of societal narratives, but what happens when fans take the reins? Dive into the transformative world of virtual photography and participatory cultures, where characters like Aloy aren’t just protagonists but malleable symbols of evolving heroism. Discover how the fan-driven nonhuman online persona of Aloy proposes new understandings of online persona and heroic representation in video games through virtual photography.

Mapping the Virtual Photography of Video Games: A Closer Look at the Media Niche

In the growing landscape of digital media, niches are becoming more intricate and interconnected. One such niche is the realm of Virtual Photography in Video Games, a perfect example of participatory media culture, and the agency that video game users have to immerse themselves in the game world, even outside the game text. This niche […]

Immersing into the World of Virtual Photography: A Journey of Creativity, Agency, and Participatory Culture

Virtual Photography, also known as in-game photography or screenshot art, has become an increasingly prominent practice that empowers players to capture and share their gaming experiences in stunning visual narratives. This unique form of creative expression grants gamers greater agency over their gaming encounters, allowing them to produce paratexts and tell stories of the virtual worlds they enjoy. Beyond individual creativity, Virtual Photography also offers a valuable lens through which to observe the production, distribution, and reception in the video gaming industry. As I continue my journey into the world of Virtual Photography, I realise how this artistic medium has become an essential aspect of experiencing video game texts.

Beyond Human: Conversations with ChatGPT about the Nonhuman

In this podcast, I explore the world beyond our human-centric perspective as it relates to non-human online persona. Join myself and ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, as we dive into discussions about the nonhuman: animals, plants, machines, and anything else that exists beyond the realm of human experience.

Podcast: The Future of AI

Listen to the podcast above. As a PhD researcher, my focus is on providing a comprehensive definition of non-human online personas in various forms, such as digital objects, artificial intelligence, and media texts. Through my research, I aim to contribute to a better understanding of non-human online personas which includes an understanding of the role […]

Are Pet Influencers the New Celebrities?

Pet influencers have become so popular that markets have opened around them, and pet influencer agencies exist. These influencers generate income on Instagram through brand promotions and sponsorships, indicating that they engage in similar micro-celebrity persona formation techniques as their human counterparts.

Jasmyn Connell

PhD Candidate at the University of Wollongong

Academic Tutor at the University of Wollongong

Graphic Designer, Web Designer & Developer, Brand Designer

Avid Gamer and Virtual Photographer

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